************************************** KSJEclipse: An Eclipse plugin for SourceJammer (www.sourcejammer.org). Author: Karan M G (karan@karanmg.net) ************************************** Setup: 1. Install the plugin in Eclipse: just drop the plugin jar or zip in /locationofeclipse/plugins/ directory. 2. Open Eclipse and go to Window -> Preferences. 3. Go to KSJEclipse and set the location of the SourceJammer client. 4. Manually enable the decorator in General -> Appearance -> Label Decorations and check KSJEclipse Decorator. This is disabled by default, because users should be aware that they can turn it off, if required. 5. Now for each project in your workspace, set the connection properties by going to Project -> Properties -> KSJEclipse. Each property is described nicely on the property page itself. 6. Connect to a project by right-clicking on it and selecting KSJEclipse -> Connect. 7. You can also setup projects to autoconnect to the SourceJammer archive. Features: 1. Add Files/Folders -- you can add the files and folders which are not currently in the SourceJammer archive. These files will show up in the traditional red color. The plugin automatically skips files/folders which are already in SourceJammer. 2. Checkout Files/Folders -- You can check out multiple folders and files with just one click. All checked out files, show the username to whom the file is checked out and a "tick" icon next to every checked out file. 3. Checkin Files/Folders -- You can check in multiple folders and files with just one click. If your selection has files which are not checked out, the plugin will ignore them. 4. Update Files/Folders -- You can update checked out file/folders on the server, with your local copy, in a single step. Basically, this action carries out a checkin and then a checkout. 5. Get Files/Folders -- You can get multiple files and folders. If you are trying to get over an already checked out file, the plugin will warn you. 6. Force Checkin Files/Folders -- You can force check in multiple folders and files with just one click. If your selection has files which are checked out or which are not under version control, the plugin will ignore them. 7. Decorations -- If your version of a file is different from that on SourceJammer, it is displayed in the traditional green color. If you have files which SourceJammer does not, they are displayed in red. Checked out files show the little green tick icon along with the name of the user they are checked out to. You can change the colors in the preferences. 8. Automatic Connections -- The plugin can automatically connect to the SourceJammer archives for the project. 9. Multiple projects and archives are supported. 10. Persistent Login Info -- Once you have setup the SourceJammer login properties for a project, you can forget about it. The plugin will remember these credentials forever, until you change them of course :-) 11. Logging -- All activity is stored in a log file. To set the location of this file, please open up the jar and update log4j.properties. Just change the "path" property to point to the desired location. If you want detailed logs, change INFO to DEBUG. For more information please check out the log4j website. *** Note *** Please TEST the plugin with a new archive before using on a production system. The author does not and cannot, considering the differing environments, make any guarantees about the suitability of this plugin for you. If it does not work as intended, email me, and I will try and help you out. You can email with comments, bugs and feature requests to karan@karanmg.net. To see the list of features and TODOs being worked on or to contribute your time and skills to this project please check the "Feature Requests" and "Bugs" pages at http://sourceforge.net/projects/ksjeclipse/